5. Our philosophy about the use of consultants
How to use external consultants
There are of course many different reasons to why an organisation should use external support and consultants. From experience, we know that when an organisation should handle issues regarding change and transformations it is definitely of great value to have external consultants involved. Independent consultants free from the interdepartmental tensions all organisations have are due to their neutral role very useful in this type of situations.
It is also easier for an external actor to identify and address sensitive issues and stay neutral to historic conflicts within the organisation.
Considering experience and competence about change and transformation management the consultant could contribute with methods and tools about how to analyse and lead the process.
In all situations where there is a need for a neutral catalyst to get things started and a general factor of motivation, a skilled consultant is a very fruitful component.
All organisations need a well functioning structure and efficient management systems. The assigned consultant should also secure such a development and always maintain the process of creativity to achieve the best solutions. Our opinion is that the consultant should primarily contribute with methods and ideas about how to solve complex problems and secure that all relevant options become seriously accessed. This is always important, but it is extra important when there are very strong leaders in charge of the management teams. The risk is that their ideas turn out to be the only ones and that the motivation among other managers becomes too low.
However, we are convinced that there is a huge need for a special type of leadership that only experienced consultants could offer. With this we mean a leadership, that at the same time boost the existing management within the organisation, without being a competitive force that reduces the actual organisation's ability to handle change of its own internal capacity. Depending on the actual situation, type of the business and dominating customer needs the consultants have to adopt the requested role and the most appropriate toolkit.
It is rather obvious that from the consultant’s point of view will the treatment of a large, mature and global business be different from the treatment of a new start up company. From a general point of view, we do not believe that consultants have more knowledge about how to run a specific big global business than the existing management. Top management within a big international company does of course in most cases have the most comprehensive and useful knowledge of the market and the strategic direction for the organisation. However, due to her neutral role, a consultant could be in a better position to contribute to the solution of complex internal conflicts and tensions, which are rather common in huge organisations. This is in particular common during phases of change and transactions.
Specialised consultants that represent excellence and have a special forefront competence about a specific issue could know more than the top management in this specific area. However, in situations when it comes to issues about the overall view and the deeper understanding of the business strategies our experience is that nothing beats the existing top management.
On the contrary, it is rather common that a new company with new and young entrepreneurs in charge could definitely be in need of detailed and straightforward advises about how to run the business. In these situations, the consultant could have a role as a line manager or management for hire and help the emerging business to avoid the most obvious mistakes.
As a general conclusion we think, it is very important that professional consultants do have the ability to adjust the character of the services and adopt a dynamic approach to customer needs and expectations. The reason for this is to create the ability to maximise the improvement of value in all offerings and secure the best solutions and results in a specific situation.
Unfortunately there have, in particularly during the 70: th and 80: th been to many consultants that produced a lot of talk but almost no useful action. Our opinion is that the focus in all assignments where consultants are involved must be on results. Therefore, it is of great importance to carry out detailed clarifications, what regards issues about the scoop, the ambition, the result and the resources needed to do the job.

What the management team really want to do is crucial for success.
Regardless if the client represents an old and stable operation, or if it is a fast growing emerging business, it is important that new business ideas, directions and plans go along with the norms, views and believes among the existing management team.
Investing money in implementation plans based on some external consultant’s proposals is in the long-term perspective no good to anyone.
Without a very strong commitment within the existing management of an organisation, a new idea is practically domed to die. We are therefore convinced that the major players within the organisation must be deeply involved in the work with new directions, developing new strategies and implementation plans. Other vice there is a considerable risk that they will be the major reason to why the change or transaction plan becomes a failure. 
The engagement and involvement of major players such as formal leaders and informal leaders within an organisation is probably one of the most important rules behind successful business development. This regardless what type of business you try to change or develop.
This is also the primary reason behind our ambition to strive for assignments that are dealing with the type of issues senior and top management declared to be the most important ones.
The history of corporate change and development is unfortunately quite loaded with unsynchronised consultants that support different departments within an organisation and with a very inconsistent and destructive direction. In some situations, could large and fast growing global organisations be competing with it self about the same customer with similar solutions and offering. This is of course a worst-case scenario but we have seen it happen. We became as surprised as the customers involved did. In some perspective, one has to say that top leadership should be grateful that shareholders are luckily unaware of what is going on.

Adapt to the actual situation during the phase of implementation.
The ability to adapt to the specific situation during the phase of implementation is crucial and to some points a cornerstone within change and transformation management. This is in particularly true when it comes to the very big and global corporations with operations spread all over the world. Our experiences indicate quite clearly that it is easier for a neutral consultant with experience from many different cultures and similar assignments to handle certain things within the process.
There is usually a gigantic work that has to be done when it comes to change and transformation activities.
Most organisations becomes surprised over how much work there is to be done regarding communication and how to pedagogically describe missions, visions, targets, strategies and common values so that employees and managers do really understand them regardless where in the world they are located. Just use some bullets on the power point or mind-manager presentations are not sufficient to create a common opinion about the message. In some situations, there are as many opinions as there are individuals in the audience. If a message not is, enough clarified people often hear what they like hearing and interpret the message so it suits their own agenda.
Even though this is not the prime reason to use external consultants, it is quite useful to use external consultants that reduce the workload on certain key persons. These key persons could instead be focusing on other types of issues that are more important. They could also work with issues that not could be out sourced.

Our belief
We are convinced that our philosophy regarding how to use external consultants that always adjust their methods and tools to what is needed in the specific situation, is one of the most fruitful contributions an organisation could find when it comes to handle cost effective and successful business development and change.
Furthermore, in the today’s business life we are convinced that this knowledge and these skills will become even more important as the speed of change increases and the business environment becomes more complex.
The new and fast growing virtual dimension we after the consolidation of the Internet have as natural component in most types of business is becoming leverage to new business concepts. Some of the new business concepts will probable change the existing paradigms and be so comprehensive that they over a night could convert a healthy business into a very troublesome operation.